Monkey King is the main superhero from the most popular Chinese fiction novel, “Journey to the West” (西遊記) written by Wu Cheng’en in the late sixteenth century. The story takes place during the Tang dynasty, where a monkey is born from a stone and gains supernatural power through Taoist practices. His powers gave him the capabilities to clone himself and transform himself into different objects. He is a skilled martial artist who can freeze objects, control wind and fire; and can even survive under the deep ocean.
Monkey King likes to show off his magical powers to no limit; which caused so much chaos in heaven that Buddha imprisoned him for eternity. Monkey King was later released from his imprisonment on the condition that he protects, Xuanzang, a monk who was going on a journey to retrieve the Buddhist scriptures in order to end suffering to all human race. During their 30,000 miles journey to Buddha’s Western Paradise in India, they encounter demons and monsters at every corner. The mischievous Monkey King was able to defeat all his enemies by playing tricks on them. In return for completing the dangerous mission, Monkey King received forgiveness for his bad behavior and was granted Buddhahood for his service. “Journey to the West” is our favorite childhood story and Monkey King is one of our favorite superheroes. Our parents often use Monkey King as a role model because of his courageousness, cleverness, determination to live a righteous life and the ability to f
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