8410 Amelia St
Oakland, CA 94621 OaklandRate and review
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What is NIMBY?

NIMBY is a do-it-yourself (DIY), hacker-space, maker-space, morale shop, adult playground and shared industrial art space that provides artists, craftspeople and the entrepreneur a place to create, innovate, and collaborate. Within the 69,000 square foot space can be found metal-workers, jewelers, sculptors, painters, set and prop builders, musicians, hobbyists, engineers, plumbers, electricians, computer programmers, machinists and tinkerers creating projects both large and small.

Steel shipping containers are the building blocks of the NIMBY shop, and are centered around shared common work areas, including an outdoor wonderland for projects that need open air.

NIMBY Philosophy

Just be here and do something - we don't care if you finish it. Get along with everyone and clean up after yourself. At that point the empty space where your television or other social maladies lurk is filled and the world is a happier place.

What can I do at NIMBY?

Share space and tools to help offset the cost of starting a business or making an idea, or even a prototype, come to life.

Rent short-term and long-term work or office- space.

Incubate your nano-biz.

Conspire and collude.

Reshore America!

Why Rent at NIMBY?

Be a good neighbor. If you work strange hours, have a small garage, and make a little too much noise or cause the earth to shake, then come rent a space at NIMBY before your neighbors say “Not In My Back Yard”. It’s the right thing to do.


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