LUX is in constant violation of the city of Oakland noise abatement ordinance. The City of Oakland has a noise ordinance that prohibits “excessive and annoying noise” between 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. OAKLAND, CAL., MUN. CODE §§ 8.18. 010–8.18 All attempts to contact the Owner by phone and email have been unsuccessful. In response to the owner's posted comments about "people shouldn't move into an area with a club in it." It is LUX that is the newcomer in our neighborhood and clearly has no respect for it. As LUX is unwilling to obey the law and simply keep the noise inside after 11pm (We get it....LUX ts a club , nobody expects it to be a library) But get the noise off the street after 11 and show some common courtesy to your neighbors) A formal complaint with CA alcohol licensing commission is being circulated around the neighborhood. LUX can avoid this by simply acting responsibly.